Sunday, September 9, 2007

Writing Creative Non-Fiction

No, it's not a memoir, but that falls into that classification. I have spent the last two days reading and writing. The first writing assignment is due Wednesday and I think I have a piece written for it. It's supposed to be in rough draft form. Something happened when I was in high school that reminds me of how closely we are connected to each other. 6 Degrees of Separation. So I'm taking something from my past and making that point. I think I have the idea.

The new column will be up at IPS. That one could also go into the memoir class. My boss' grandson died of SIDS last Monday. It took me back 25 years ago when the same happened to my neighbor's child. It is nothing a parent should have to live through. It seems writing about those things helps me get a handle on the incomprehensible.

Back to reading.

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